Aber Falls
Christmas Commercial

What was the aim?

A festive tipple. 

We wanted to have a little fun with Aber Falls for Christmas. 

Embarking on a bit of creative fun, we put together this brief commerical to show the brand’s festive side. 

How did we do it?

A video with all the trimmings. 

After we tracked down all of the appropriate ingredients, attention to detail on this production was a must. 

We wanted to show the action shots of everything that could make Aber Falls a festive favourite. This included the squeezing of the lime, the crashing of the icecubers and the pouring of the spirit itself. 

We shot this before Christmas and we needed to make sure the set felt homely and most of all, authentically Christmas. 

Let's chat!


Company Number: 11856345
VAT Number: 300 0931 68