Cancer Awareness Ads
What was the aim?
A different type of charity ad.
We wanted to be completely different to your typical charity ad which focuses on the negative and are begging in nature. By making an attention-grabbing, tongue in cheek, upbeat ad and placing it on social media, we aimed to break through the noise in a place where young people spend most their time and spread the message on how to check for cancer symptoms.
How did we do it?
A white cyc and lots of props.
By shooting in a white cyc, we concentrated on the actors who are passionate about the cause and who are involved with CATS. Additionally we filmed and outputted in 4k for high-quality results and so stills could be pulled from the video.
Take a look at our results.
A UK push against cancer.
The videos were optimised for use across social media channels, used on CATS’ website and stills have been taken for various marketing collateral (flyers, posters, headers, social media posts).
The videos were also promoted at various universities throughout the UK. The videos performed 7 x better than their average previously, spreading the message.